About Me

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Bossy, Independent, Stressed, Crazy about my husband and family. This blog is about the everyday life of our family of 2.

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Race Pool

So, at one point in my life I loved NASCAR.  I'll admit it.  I was single.  Dad had tickets to the Daytona 500.  I thought Jeff Gordon was cute.  At this point in my life, I'm not so much in love with racing, but I do run a race pool.  Actually B and I have run one for about 5 years.  It takes time and patience.  And sometimes I run out of both.

B and I started putting entries in the computer tonight.  We have 30 so far...last year we had 270 all together.  We like to call it our labor of love.  Everything has to be entered into the computer by the 1st of March, then weekly I put together stats....for 36 weeks of the year.  Crazy?  Yes!  But, as long as people want to do the pool, we will run it!

So, if you are bored and have nothing better to do, let me know and I'll put you to work!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Our 2 Person Superbowl Party

B  and I stayed home and had a 2 person Superbowl Party tonight.  The game is over, the Patriots lost and we are sad.  (Well, he is sad...I'm just full of snacks and bummed because there were not that many good commercials!).  I tried to be festive...check out our photo:

I made buffalo chicken dip and nachos.  I wore my too tight Patriots shirt and Patriots earrings...and it didn't help.  But I enjoyed my evening with my hubby and there is no place I would rather have been.

We'll get them next year!