A couple of weeks ago, I went to two of my local greenhouses and bought annuals to plant in buckets and in the ground. I didn't give a lot of thought to what I was buying. I knew that I needed some stuff that would hang out of pots and some that would stand tall. I like pansies. So I brought home flowers. A lot of them. I immediately planted my pretty little pansies with their sweet faces (that's what my mom would always say) near the end of the driveway around the light pole and I filled one of my barrels and a hanging basket. Then the bugs started biting and I went in the house.
The next day the rains came and it rained for 40 days and 40 nights...or it just felt that way. Sunshine came back into our world this weekend so I ran right outside to plant the rest. I filled 3 more buckets, planted inpatients around one of the trees and still had enough left to plant a few more around the deck. Bottom line, I bought too many flowers, but they looked pretty at the greenhouse and they look pretty at our house. Now I have to water and deadhead and turn them or they will die. That's what normally happens to flowers here. They look good for a couple of weeks, I take pictures and pat myself on the back (or maybe I'm checking for ticks!) Then we go on vacation for a few days and come home to brown leaves.
Oh, and I forget to mention that B brought home a tomato plant last night that his coworker started from seed This coworker is into composting so B saved up our scraps in a lovely ziplock bag. Supposedly this tomato plant is the one he used "our" composting in. Now we're responsible for that too!
I have high hopes for our flowers (and tomato plant) for 2012. I have a plan to keep them looking good. This is going to be my year to prove myself wrong... and that I really do have a green thumb!
Yes yes we can do this!