About Me

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Bossy, Independent, Stressed, Crazy about my husband and family. This blog is about the everyday life of our family of 2.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Happy Birthday, Hubby!

Today my handsome hubby turns 50.  I remember, not that long ago, when that number seemed so far away...and so old!  Now it's arrived for him and I'm a little over a year away from it and it doesn't seem so old anymore. 

B is in better physical shape at 50 then he was at 40.  He is so young at heart and in his thinking and in his energy level.  I came home from work today to find him running on the treadmill (while watching baseball stuff, of course). 

I hope that I move into my 5th decade with as much grace, dignity and energy as he has.  Unfortunately, I'm worried that I'm probably going to be screaming and kicking and throwing a hissy fit!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

I need to slow down...

Seriously, I need a vacation from the vacations, and the weekends, and the surprise birthday parties.  Oh, I didn't tell you about all of these did I? 

First - I spent 6 days with my family this past week.  It was fabulous!  We went to a parade, pageant, family picnic, the lake, a softball game, hung out at the pool, took care of a skunk, had lunch together with the family, celebrated a birthday, played and lost a lot of games of 3-man cribbage and that's all I can remember right now.

On our way home, Thursday, we stopped and visited with my BFF from HS and her husband.  They were home from Virginia and we love to see them.  We talked, and talked, and talked and ate and played cards and hated to leave and then we finally did and then we drove for 3 hours and got home at 11 p.m.

Then I worked on Friday.  Then I had a surprise birthday party for B with his family Friday night.  27 family members joined us - we ate some more (imagine!) and told stories and watched the opening ceremonies of the Olympics and the Red Sox lose and it was wonderful (well not the Red Sox part).

Then Saturday we got up and headed to a local lake and campground to spend the night with some wonderful friends.  And we ate  and went out on the lake and played cards and ate some more.  And then we came home.

And now it's Sunday night and we are doing laundry and relaxing and looking forward to working 5 days next week (not really)!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Back to Vacation

One more day of work this week, then we are heading to visit my family for 6 days.  I'm ready for more relaxation.  Granted, I've only been back at work from my camping vacation for 6 days - but it feels like forever since I've had time off.  Please don't smack me up side the head for saying that!

It's going to be a busy weekend - parade, pageant, family picnic and that will take us through Sunday.  Then we want to spend a couple of days at the lake, there is a birthday to celebrate and on our return home we are hoping to spend the day with my bff from high school who is home from "away" with her hubby for a week or so.

I'm fully planning on coming home from this 6 day vacation more tired then I left.  But it will be a good tired and I'm ready for it!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Camping on the Coast

We went camping on the coast of Maine this past weekend with B's family.  This is an annual event and we look forward to it every year.  We haven't stayed in the same place/campground any 2 years.  It's a great chance to explore new areas of this great State we live in.

This year we headed to the Damariscotta/Pemaquid Point region.  It was FABULOUS!

I had my first trip to Boothbay Harbor.  We checked out all the little shops and ate homemade ice cream and had fun spending time with our family.

 We spent an afternoon at the Pemaquid Point Lighthouse - you can climb to the top for a great view.  We had a picnic and took tons of photos.  The coast is all rocky and beautiful - definitely a must-see.

We laid out on Pemaquid Beach - a surprising strip of sand right in the middle of all the rocks!  The sun was hot, we all burned to a crisp, but it was so relaxing! 

But most importantly we spent a ton of time with our family.  Playing cards, talking around the campfire, eating meals together.  Oh, there are things that happen along the way - the campsites were small - really small.  But we were close to the restrooms and showers.  It was hot, hot, hot - but for the first time we never had rain while camping.  There was a very drunk dude stumbling around the campground one night - he seemed very fond of our site - but he eventually found his way where he was going.  B stepped in dog poo within minutes of being there and declared he was never going tenting again, but he enjoyed the pool and hot tubs and that made everything better.

I rode a bike for the first time in years - to please my husband and nephew.  We saw a 450 pound tuna fresh from the ocean.  We celebrated a couple of birthdays and discussed "Fifty Shades of Gray". 

It was back to work yesterday for both me and B, but we were relaxed and in pain from our sunburns so work didn't seem too bad!

Friday, July 6, 2012


It's finally here - a blessed few days of vacation.  Tomorrow we round up the in-laws and out-laws and are heading out for a 6 day camping extravaganza!  Every summer, since before I knew B existed, his family have gone on a summer family trip.  They used to be a bit more luxurious I believe - their earlier trips might have even involved hotels and restaurants.  Now we go camping, and that's cool.  It used to be that we all tented.  Then campers started being purchased.  And now there are 3 of us left that tent. 

Now when I say tent, what comes to mind?  Sleeping bag, on the ground?  Roughing it?  Yeah, that's for sissies!  We have a queen sized air mattress that sits about a foot and half off the floor.  I'm taking our 600 thread-count sheets and fleece blankets.  We have our ipads, and ipods and xm radio and an ez-up to cover the picnic table.  Someone brings a big gas grill.  We make homemade french fries at least once per trip.  We eat good, we sleep great (after the first restless night - for me!).

The only real problem is that we have never gone on this trip and not had rain.  And tomorrow's forecast is...drum roll, please....for late afternoon thundershowers.  30% probability.  I hear you out there saying, 30%, no worries!  Well I'm still worried, because it's never failed - we get rained on and that's that.  The rest of the week doesn't show one shower - just sunshine.  That makes me smile.

We're going to the coast, going to visit a lighthouse or two, play tons of card games, make s'mores and tell tall tales around the campfire. 

I've promised to not look at my work email and only use my electronic devices for music and games.  I'm going to do my best to adhere to this promise.  I pinky swear!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

TGIF on Monday

Last night we went on a marathon shopping trip when I got done work.  We are stocking up for annual camping trip with B's family.  By stocking up I mean, new cooler, new tarps, bottled water and much, much, much more.

I'm the queen of making sure we do these shopping trips so that I get to go out to eat during.  Last night we hit TGI Fridays.  I have a couple of dishes that I love there and so we split a couple of appetizers and each had a favorite entree.  Then we came home and put our calories in myfitnesspal.  Oh my.  It wasn't good.  I'm glad I only ate half of my meal...but the appetizer B ordered was over a thousand calories.  Yes...1,000 plus.  And that was just the appetizer!

No wonder we got chunky after we were first married.  I love eating out.  Darn it, I love eating.  But, for the past year we have been much more conscious of what we've been eating and exercising and it's helped - B more than me...but I'm still working on it.

So, next time we have TGIF we will be splitting meals and appetizers, not ordering our own.  Maybe....