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Bossy, Independent, Stressed, Crazy about my husband and family. This blog is about the everyday life of our family of 2.

Friday, July 6, 2012


It's finally here - a blessed few days of vacation.  Tomorrow we round up the in-laws and out-laws and are heading out for a 6 day camping extravaganza!  Every summer, since before I knew B existed, his family have gone on a summer family trip.  They used to be a bit more luxurious I believe - their earlier trips might have even involved hotels and restaurants.  Now we go camping, and that's cool.  It used to be that we all tented.  Then campers started being purchased.  And now there are 3 of us left that tent. 

Now when I say tent, what comes to mind?  Sleeping bag, on the ground?  Roughing it?  Yeah, that's for sissies!  We have a queen sized air mattress that sits about a foot and half off the floor.  I'm taking our 600 thread-count sheets and fleece blankets.  We have our ipads, and ipods and xm radio and an ez-up to cover the picnic table.  Someone brings a big gas grill.  We make homemade french fries at least once per trip.  We eat good, we sleep great (after the first restless night - for me!).

The only real problem is that we have never gone on this trip and not had rain.  And tomorrow's forecast is...drum roll, please....for late afternoon thundershowers.  30% probability.  I hear you out there saying, 30%, no worries!  Well I'm still worried, because it's never failed - we get rained on and that's that.  The rest of the week doesn't show one shower - just sunshine.  That makes me smile.

We're going to the coast, going to visit a lighthouse or two, play tons of card games, make s'mores and tell tall tales around the campfire. 

I've promised to not look at my work email and only use my electronic devices for music and games.  I'm going to do my best to adhere to this promise.  I pinky swear!

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