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Bossy, Independent, Stressed, Crazy about my husband and family. This blog is about the everyday life of our family of 2.

Monday, December 3, 2012

O Christmas Tree

It's up, it's short, it's pretty...it's the 2012 version of our Christmas Tree.  We don't have a very large living room, so we don't have tons of room for a fat tree, we could have tall, but it's not easy to find a tall skinny tree.  So we went with the pretty, little well-shaped tree. 

We have peppered our little tree with ornaments from our past.  I love opening the box where they are stored and remembering where we were when we bought them or who gave them to us.  This is our 10th Christmas together as a couple and we've made sure to pick up something for our tree whenever we have traveled.  We have an ornament from Disney celebrating our first trip in 2003 and one from Hershey Park from our honeymoon in 2004.  There is a glass ball filled with sand from Jamaica that we picked up in 2009 when B's brother got married there.  This year we got a buoy ornament from Boothbay Harbor during our summer vacation. We also have little bride and groom ornaments that my friend Jan gave us as part of our wedding gift, and a Tinkerbell that my beautiful niece got us on one of her trips to Florida.  

Our ornament box is also full of special items that my mom and dad gave me over the years.  A little wooden piano, a Goofy with moving ears.  I even have a tiny angel made from a nut that my aunt and uncle brought me from Germany many, many years ago.

I treasure this yearly opening of the ornament box.  Each one holds a special place in my heart and I'm going to enjoy visiting with them for the next little while.

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