So I pity anyone who wants to chat, be kind, or just try to communicate in any way with me for the next few hours. I'm crabby. I shouldn't be, I have a wonderful husband, family, home, job. But for some reason, this time of year brings out the worst in me. Stress, headaches, bad moods...that's what my Christmas time is usually like.
Poor B doesn't stand a chance. He's tried a couple of times to lighten my mood. Not a good idea, I'm not buying it. We had a Christmas party in one of my departments at work today. That didn't help. We got let out early and even that didn't make me smile.
I'm hoping this will pass, and that when I wake up tomorrow I will be ready to enjoy this most wonderful time of the year. We are heading to see my family, my shopping is done and wrapped. Life should be good, but something isn't right and I'm just not sure what it is yet.
Nice to see you was feeling better Sunday.LOL Donna