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Bossy, Independent, Stressed, Crazy about my husband and family. This blog is about the everyday life of our family of 2.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Hiking, me?

B is recovering from knee surgery and I need to move, so we have decided to do some hiking this spring.  There is a great little state park about 10 minutes from our house and we decided to see what it had to offer.  Fun, history, sweat, crampy feet, hills, mud, 60 minutes of uninterrupted time...those are all things it has had to offer us so far. 

I have a new pair of hiking shoes, supposedly the most fabulous, and decided to try them out tonight.  Probably not so smart to wear new shoes on a 60 minutes hike.  My right foot was not happy.  But, I limped through it and we burned some seriously calories and I'm ready to try it again this weekend. 

It's more challenging then the treadmill and more tranquil then the local high school track.  I am a little weirded out by ticks and have been itchy since we got home (no ticks though).  But so far that seems to be the only downside. 

I'm anxious to see if we can keep this up and keep pushing each other to do more and hike further.  This may just be the exercise push that I need!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Everyday there are so many things to be thankful for.  I thought I'd share a few of the things that I've been very thankful for since I last wrote.
  • My brother-in-law had emergency gall bladder surgery, and pulled through that fine.  Unfortunately, sometime shortly after the surgery, he had a heart attack (unknown to him), that then caused a blood clot, that then caused a stroke.  I am thankful, that he has pulled through all these things and is getting better.  He had some vision loss and some movement in his arm.  But those are things that can get better.  He's 42, has 2 children and a beautiful wife.  I am so thankful that he is still with us.
  • B had knee surgery 11 days ago and is doing great.  He got the ok from the doctor today that he can start riding bike and getting back to normal activities.
  • My Dad is going to be 71 tomorrow and he is doing great.  He's a handsome, on-the-go, prankster and I'm so thankful to have him to talk to, get advice from and play cribbage with.
  •  My sister is a rock.  I'm thankful that I had the opportunity to help her out a little bit this weekend.  I love her so much.
  • I am so thankful that my brother is such a wonderful husband and father.  That he can take a joke as well as he can be the butt of one.
  • I am thankful that our God watches over us and protects us.  My heart goes out to the people of Boston, those that lost loved ones, or were hurt, or were the first responders.
There are so many things to be thankful for.   It's a list that we should update daily!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Busy, Busy

We are entering into that season of our yearly life where I can tell you what we are doing almost every weekend from now til September!  And our week days aren't much better.  I'm a planner, not a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kinda gal.  Now B, he just relies on me and he might as well.  There is no since in both of us being uptight about our calendar, hardy har har.

Last weekend we visited my family, a weekend full of hospital visits (to my brother-in-law), pageants, shopping, church and Easter dinner.  This weekend, B is having knee surgery Friday, we have a fantasy baseball draft and breakfast here at our house and I am attending a friend's wedding all on Saturday and we have a birthday party for our youngest nephew to go to on Sunday!! 

Why do we do this to ourselves?  Or maybe it's, why do I do it to us?  It might be the promise of spring, good weather, sunshine and flip flops.  It might be that 7 of our family members have birthdays in the next 6 weeks.   It's mostly that we are blessed with wonderful family and friends.

In the words of my mom....it is what it is...and we will just keep on truckin' (my brother's favorite saying when he was 8!) and try not to forget where we are suppose to be and what we are suppose to be doing!