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Bossy, Independent, Stressed, Crazy about my husband and family. This blog is about the everyday life of our family of 2.

Friday, November 22, 2013

McDonalds is My Kind of Place

B is working an extra shift tonight, and I decided to go to the big city shopping right from work. I would love to get my Christmas shopping done this weekend, but that's just not going to happen, but I thought I'd at least knock a few things off my list.  I left work at 3:30, and visited several stores before heading home.  Unfortunately, my last stop wasn't a store.  It really can't even be called an restaurant.  It's my favorite fast food joint - McDonald's.  For the past couple of years I have tried my best to avoid this place...too many calories.  But, lately I've had a hankering for some greasy fast food and tonight I fell spell to the golden arches. 

I zipped home, brought all my stuff in and through it on the floor and then woofed down my burger and fries.  I'm sure I should feel guilty about it, but I don't.  I might tomorrow when my pants feel too tight, but right now, I'm enjoying the aftertaste of a processed burger and awesome fries!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Why do I watch Criminal Minds?

I ask myself this question every time Wednesday rolls around and a new episode airs.  And I have no answer.  I love this show, I love how it makes my stomach feel queasy and uneasy, I love the interaction amongst the actors.  I don't love how it makes me check that my door is locked about 7 times every night.  I have seen every episode, some of them multiple (and I mean many multiples) times.  If I see it on my TV guide, I stop and watch, and ask myself again why am I watching! 

Unfortunately I've noticed that the premise of the show makes me uneasy, makes me less trustful of strangers walking down my road or in a parking lot at the local store.  I'm not sure that is a good thing, but I know that in this day and age, it is what it is.

Plus...B often works nights, so sometimes (like tonight) I'm watching it by myself.   Thankfully, one of the administrators in the school district I work on is a Facebook friend and we chat back and forth each Wednesday night about how scared and creeped out we are.  Basically, I love that she keeps me company when I'm scared to death!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The best laid plans

This past Sunday was suppose to be a quiet, uneventful day.  A day where the two of us could rest, hang out, visit B's mom and enjoy each others company.

That didn't happen.  We did sleep in (oops we missed church!)  My dad was flying to Florida for a couple of weeks.  He texted that he was on the plane, life was good. 

Then I got a text that Dad was back on the ground.  Um, he'd only been gone about 30 minutes - not enough time to get very far.  It seems that his plane lost an engine on take off and they had to circle back to the airport where they were greeted by fire engines and ambulances!  Okay.  He was fine, no one panicked and they were going to get another plane to take everyone to Florida.  That didn't happen.  He now needed a hotel room, before the other 149 people on the plane got one.  So I got him a room, then he needed his car reservation and hotel in Florida changed.  So I did that and he was all set.  I think I should have been a travel agent in another life.

While this was all going on, I sent B to visit his mom.  In between my travel agent duties, I went down to our basement to grab a load of laundry out of the dryer.  I was a bit surprised when I opened the door to find ink all over the inside of the dryer.  I said a few choice words and tried to remember how much I adore my husband who loves to carry a pen in his pocket.  I spent 30 minutes trying to get it cleaned up.  The bad news - 3 shirts and 1 pair of jeans (all his) got ruined. 

When B got back from his mom's, I tried not to be too over the top crazy about what I'd discovered.  I knew he'd feel bad enough.  And he did. 

After all that fun, I didn't feel like cooking and we needed some groceries - so we shopped and grabbed a a pizza and tried to decompress from our "quiet, uneventful" day. 

The rest of the story is that Dad made it to Florida yesterday safely and  was enjoying the 85 degree weather the last time I talked to him and after my cleaning job nothing else got ink on it in the dryer. 

I will be careful to wish for a quiet, uneventful Sunday again, that's for sure.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Cleaning closets

Today I am cleaning my closet.  My sister is going to get a big old bag of clothes and I'm going to enjoy going in my closet again.  I read several years ago that if you didn't wear something for a year, you probably would never wear it again.  I took that to heart and every fall and spring I go through my clothes and giveaway or throw away those that I don't want or are in bad shape.

Is it sad that I enjoy doing this?  Sometimes it's like finding an old friend that I hadn't seen for awhile.  Most times I wonder what was I thinking when I bought it in the first place.

I even have B on this schedule.  He moves older items into his "work" drawer or chucks them completely.  He is so slim now, we really don't have anyone to pass his clothes down too.   I don't think anyone will ever write a sentence like that about me!

Hi ho, hi ho, back to work I go!

Friday, November 8, 2013

For my favorite reader!

I got an email today from a certain special someone who reminded me I hadn't blogged in awhile.  It's been a busy bunch of weeks, and that is no excuse!

So here's the latest in our crazy little lives.  We have had wonderful visits from my family and friends from away.  My sister and niece, my friends from my old pre-marriage work,  my dad and then my oldest niece and her boyfriend ventured down for the first time by themselves last weekend.

When I first got married and moved "away" I used to cry when anyone left at the end of a visit, or when I left from visiting up north.  As the years have passed, the tears slowed down.  Until this past weekend when my niece left.  I was doing fine, we hugged, said our good byes.   And then she hugged me again and I lost it.  I miss her so much and having her to myself for a few days reminded me of those years that she and I hung out all the time.  She has grown into such a fine young woman and it was a treat to get to know her boyfriend a little better.

So, besides the visits, I've been helping dad find a rental car for an upcoming trip, Christmas shopping, and working.

The other big news in our lives is that B's mom has been diagnosed with breast cancer.  She has had surgery and we are waiting to see what the next step will be.  We ask for your prayers for her healing and wisdom for her doctors.

So, life has been pretty intense and I don't see it slowing down anytime soon!  But I do promise to do better and keep on writing!