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Bossy, Independent, Stressed, Crazy about my husband and family. This blog is about the everyday life of our family of 2.

Sunday, April 27, 2014


This weekend my sweet sister and her kids visited.  We talked and ate and went to the movies and watched movies and ate some more.  B loves my sister and loves having her here.  She occupies me and that allows him to watch his Red Sox uninterrupted.  It's a win/win for him and me!

My 14 year old niece is somewhat fascinated by the "sister" bond.  She has a brother, and we heard several times this weekend about how much she wanted a sister.  That isn't going to happen, but it gave me food for thought on the sister bond. 

We tried on clothes and ate candy and chips and discussed how much we need to NOT eat candy and chips and get our butts moving.   We don't mind sharing a bathroom, we did it all our growing up lives.  We have weird sayings that only the two of us get, and we can sit for hours not talking, but just being content that the other is in the same room.   We can be brutally honest with each other and it's ok.  I love having her around and am so blessed that she shares her children with me.  

B recognized this bond early on in our relationship and knows that it is something special.  I am not sure if all sisters have it, but I am so glad that we do.  

1 comment:

  1. you missed the whole month of May,you must have been real busy.So much to do now that's its warm,we have to try to fit everything into a few short months of warm weather.Miss reading your posts though. Donna
