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Bossy, Independent, Stressed, Crazy about my husband and family. This blog is about the everyday life of our family of 2.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Camping on the Coast

We went camping on the coast of Maine this past weekend with B's family.  This is an annual event and we look forward to it every year.  We haven't stayed in the same place/campground any 2 years.  It's a great chance to explore new areas of this great State we live in.

This year we headed to the Damariscotta/Pemaquid Point region.  It was FABULOUS!

I had my first trip to Boothbay Harbor.  We checked out all the little shops and ate homemade ice cream and had fun spending time with our family.

 We spent an afternoon at the Pemaquid Point Lighthouse - you can climb to the top for a great view.  We had a picnic and took tons of photos.  The coast is all rocky and beautiful - definitely a must-see.

We laid out on Pemaquid Beach - a surprising strip of sand right in the middle of all the rocks!  The sun was hot, we all burned to a crisp, but it was so relaxing! 

But most importantly we spent a ton of time with our family.  Playing cards, talking around the campfire, eating meals together.  Oh, there are things that happen along the way - the campsites were small - really small.  But we were close to the restrooms and showers.  It was hot, hot, hot - but for the first time we never had rain while camping.  There was a very drunk dude stumbling around the campground one night - he seemed very fond of our site - but he eventually found his way where he was going.  B stepped in dog poo within minutes of being there and declared he was never going tenting again, but he enjoyed the pool and hot tubs and that made everything better.

I rode a bike for the first time in years - to please my husband and nephew.  We saw a 450 pound tuna fresh from the ocean.  We celebrated a couple of birthdays and discussed "Fifty Shades of Gray". 

It was back to work yesterday for both me and B, but we were relaxed and in pain from our sunburns so work didn't seem too bad!

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