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Bossy, Independent, Stressed, Crazy about my husband and family. This blog is about the everyday life of our family of 2.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

I need to slow down...

Seriously, I need a vacation from the vacations, and the weekends, and the surprise birthday parties.  Oh, I didn't tell you about all of these did I? 

First - I spent 6 days with my family this past week.  It was fabulous!  We went to a parade, pageant, family picnic, the lake, a softball game, hung out at the pool, took care of a skunk, had lunch together with the family, celebrated a birthday, played and lost a lot of games of 3-man cribbage and that's all I can remember right now.

On our way home, Thursday, we stopped and visited with my BFF from HS and her husband.  They were home from Virginia and we love to see them.  We talked, and talked, and talked and ate and played cards and hated to leave and then we finally did and then we drove for 3 hours and got home at 11 p.m.

Then I worked on Friday.  Then I had a surprise birthday party for B with his family Friday night.  27 family members joined us - we ate some more (imagine!) and told stories and watched the opening ceremonies of the Olympics and the Red Sox lose and it was wonderful (well not the Red Sox part).

Then Saturday we got up and headed to a local lake and campground to spend the night with some wonderful friends.  And we ate  and went out on the lake and played cards and ate some more.  And then we came home.

And now it's Sunday night and we are doing laundry and relaxing and looking forward to working 5 days next week (not really)!

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