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Bossy, Independent, Stressed, Crazy about my husband and family. This blog is about the everyday life of our family of 2.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

My Valentine's Day Gift

B took all my hints for the month prior to Valentine's Day (which included numerous searches for pretty rings on different jewelry store websites and keeping one particular ring's website up on my ipad for 2 weeks prior to the big day) and decided to give me jewelry for the big day.

I went with B to a dental appointment on Valentine's Day and after his appointment, he decided to take me "ring" shopping.  We went to the store that I had favored on my ipad and looked at that one.  Then we went to 2 other jewelry stores to see if they had anything that would fit my large finger (which is huge - I have man hands, what can I say).   We went to lunch.  We went back to one of the stores and I thought we had settled on one, and the clerk informed us that they had to check on the cost because it would need to be ordered in my size  Well, the price of gold had gone up substantially and the cost more than doubled so we thanked them for their time and left.  In the end, I told him to get me what he wanted and surprise me later in the day.  I even told him that I didn't need a ring, a pack of gum would be fine and it wouldn't have to be specially sized to fit my fat finger!

My beloved went back to the first store and ordered the ring that I had drooled over for a month.  That was the good news.  The bad news was that it wouldn't be here til March 4th.  On March 4th, I went to the store and asked if my ring was in.  Well, the 4 was really a 7 on our paperwork, so no it wasn't.  Then yesterday there was a phone call from the store telling me that the ring would be in today  Yeah!  So I drove down after work to pick it up.  Um, sorry Mrs. H, but your ring wasn't shipped today.  It will definitely be here tomorrow...on the 7th! 

Do I trust them?  Does this ring really exist?  And when it gets here will it really fit my finger?  Will I even like it? 

Stay tuned....the Case of the Long Lost Valentine's Day Ring will hopefully be solved tomorrow!

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