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Bossy, Independent, Stressed, Crazy about my husband and family. This blog is about the everyday life of our family of 2.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Forever Friends

This weekend marks the 10th year that my wonderful friends from the north will make the 4 hour trip to our house for a visit. I worked with these three beautiful lades for over 10 years and they were there  through my meeting B online and our initial dating, our break up, our dating again, engagement and then our wedding.  They were there for me when I had cancer and through my surgery and recovery.   Next to my family - spending time with these ladies are one of the things I miss most from my life before marriage.

We stay in touch via email and meet up at least once a year in the fall.  We try to throw a spring trip in every once in a while too.  When we are together it sounds like the hens are loose and on the move.  B visits for about 30 minutes, then retreats to his man cave, with his headset on.  We all talk at once and follow each others conversations and somehow it doesn't confuse us or seem strange.

The visit always includes a little shopping, apple pie and apple buying, and a lot of talking and catching up.  I've been readying the house for their visit, bathrooms are clean, supper is planned for tomorrow night, apple pie fixings are ready to be assembled.

They are taking the day off tomorrow to make their journey down and will text me along their way so I can feel like a part of their trip.  I can't wait to see them...but I know these 2 days are going to go by in the blink of an eye.

Everyone said we would grow apart, that we wouldn't keep this up.  But we knew different, we made a promise and we are all married to men that support this time together for us.  They know how much it feeds our soul.

Forever friends are hard to find, but somehow I have been blessed with quite a few, and I am so thankful!

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