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Bossy, Independent, Stressed, Crazy about my husband and family. This blog is about the everyday life of our family of 2.

Friday, November 8, 2013

For my favorite reader!

I got an email today from a certain special someone who reminded me I hadn't blogged in awhile.  It's been a busy bunch of weeks, and that is no excuse!

So here's the latest in our crazy little lives.  We have had wonderful visits from my family and friends from away.  My sister and niece, my friends from my old pre-marriage work,  my dad and then my oldest niece and her boyfriend ventured down for the first time by themselves last weekend.

When I first got married and moved "away" I used to cry when anyone left at the end of a visit, or when I left from visiting up north.  As the years have passed, the tears slowed down.  Until this past weekend when my niece left.  I was doing fine, we hugged, said our good byes.   And then she hugged me again and I lost it.  I miss her so much and having her to myself for a few days reminded me of those years that she and I hung out all the time.  She has grown into such a fine young woman and it was a treat to get to know her boyfriend a little better.

So, besides the visits, I've been helping dad find a rental car for an upcoming trip, Christmas shopping, and working.

The other big news in our lives is that B's mom has been diagnosed with breast cancer.  She has had surgery and we are waiting to see what the next step will be.  We ask for your prayers for her healing and wisdom for her doctors.

So, life has been pretty intense and I don't see it slowing down anytime soon!  But I do promise to do better and keep on writing!

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