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Bossy, Independent, Stressed, Crazy about my husband and family. This blog is about the everyday life of our family of 2.

Friday, June 14, 2013

A Romantic Evening...Not

Nothing says old married couple, like having an early (before 5 p.m.) dinner with the hubby at TGI Fridays then a shopping trip to BJs and Walmart for groceries and stuff we thought we needed.  Yes, that's how we have spent our evening.  I remember a time (a decade ago) that Friday night meant the anticipation of an evening out - dinner, movie, bowling, something exciting.  Never, during the courtship period of our relationship did our evening out include a trip to Walmart.  Now, no married date night would be complete without a trip around Wally World!

Of course, our evening out has concluded with the unloading of the vehicle, the enjoyment of putting everything away and now he is in his man cave watching the Bruins and Red Sox and I'm hanging in my favorite spot watching TLC and all the wedding shows!

Yes, we are an old married couple, no doubt about it.

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