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Bossy, Independent, Stressed, Crazy about my husband and family. This blog is about the everyday life of our family of 2.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

How do you know?

So, B bought boneless chicken breasts back in December and when I got them packaged up to freeze (back in December just in case you are wondering if they've been in the fridge since then) they looked funny.  They smelled fine - or as fine as raw chicken can smell.  And my mom was all about smelling stuff to tell whether it was still ok or not.  To this day, I still smell the milk every time I open it.  Anyway, the chicken looked like maybe it had freezer burn?  I don't know.  I decided to freeze it and hope for the best.

Well, tonight is the night.  We are going to find out if the chicken was good, or whether B and I are going to be happy that we have 2 bathrooms.  It's cooking right now and seriously, it still smells fine.  Just like raw chicken, semi cooked should smell. 

I'm thinking of making chicken salad sandwiches and baked fries for my sweet hubby.  I hope if I put enough mayo on it, with salt and pepper, it's going to be delicious and delightful.  Just in case, I'm going to go stock both bathrooms with extra Charmin!

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